الأربعاء، 17 فبراير 2016



Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Yahya al-Zarqali, known in the West as Arzachel, was a Spanish Arab. He was the foremost astronomer of his time.
Al-Zarqali carried out a series of astronomical observations at Toledo (Arabic Al Tulaytalah) and compiled them in what is known as his famous Toledan Tables. He corrected the geographical data from Ptolemy and Al-Khwarizmi. Specifically, Al-Zarqali corrected Ptolemy's estimate of the length of the Mediterranean sea from 62 degrees to approximately correct value of 42 degrees. The Toledo Tables were translated into Latin in the Twelfth century.
Al-Zarqali was the first to prove conclusively the motion of the Aphelion relative to the stars. He measured its rate of motion as 12.04 seconds per year, which is remarkably close to the modern calculation of 11.8 seconds. Al-Zarqali invented a flat astrolabe which is known as Safihah. Its details were published in Latin, Hebrew and several European languages.
Copernicus in his famous book 'De Revolutionibus Orbium Clestium' expresses his indebtedness to al-Battani (albategnius) and Al-Zarqali (Arzachel) and quotes their work several times. Beer and Madler in their famous work Der Mond (1837) mention a surface feature of the moon after Al-Zarqali (Arzachel). It is a plain in the eighth section more than sixty miles in diameter and is surrounded by rows of mountains rising like terraces to heights of 13,000 feet above the interior region. It also includes several hills and craters and a prominent cleft by the side of the base of the western mountainous wall.


Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Yahya Al Zarqali, conhecido no Ocidente como Arzachel , era um لrabe espanhol, foi o maior astrônomo de seu tempo.

Al Zarqali realizou uma série de observaçُes astronômicas em Toledo (em لrabe al Tulaytalah) e compilou-as, no que ficou conhecido como suas famosas tabelas de Toledan.
Ele corrigiu os dados geogrلficos de Ptolomeu e Al Khwarizmi. Especificamente, Al Zarqali corrigiu a estimativa de Ptolomeu do comprimento do mar mediterrâneo de 62 graus o valor aproximadamente correto é de 42 graus. As tabelas de Toledo foram traduzidas para o latim no décimo segundo século.
Al Zarqali foi o primeiro a provar conclusivamente o movimento do Aphelion relativo às estrelas. Mediu sua taxa de movimento como sendo de 12,04 segundos por o ano, que é notavelmente perto do cلlculo moderno de 11,8 segundos.
Al Zarqali inventou um astrolلbio liso que ficou conhecido como Safihah, seus detalhes foram publicados em latim, em hebreu e em diversas lيnguas européias.
Copernicus em seu famoso livro ''De Revolutionibus Orbium Clestium '' expressa sua admiraçمo por Al Battani (albategnius) e a Al Zarqali (Arzachel) e a citaçُes seu trabalho diversas vezes.
Beer e Madler em Der Mond (1837) mencionam caracterيsticas da superfيcie da lua feitas por Al-Zarqali (Arzachel). ة uma planيcie na oitava seçمo mais de sessenta milhas de diâmetro e é cercado por fileiras de montanhas que levantam-se como torres a altura de 13.000 pés acima da regiمo interior.
Inclui também diversos montes e crateras e um fenda proeminente pelo lado da base da parede montanhosa ocidental.

Al-Zarqali (Arzachel), 1028-1087 C.E.
(1028 - 1087 C.E.)
Dr. A. Zahoor
Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Yahya al-Zarqali, known in the West as Arzachel, was a Spanish Arab. He was the foremost astronomer of his time.
Al-Zarqali carried out a series of astronomical observations at Toledo (Arabic Al Tulaytalah) and compiled them in what is known as his famous Toledan Tables. He corrected the geographical data from Ptolemy and Al-Khwarizmi. Specifically, Al-Zarqali corrected Ptolemy's estimate of
the length of the Mediterranean sea from 62 degrees to approximately correct value of 42 degrees. The Toledo Tables were translated into Latin in the Twelfth century.
Al-Zarqali was the first to prove conclusively the motion of the Aphelion relative to the stars. He measured its rate of motion as 12.04 seconds per year, which is remarkably close to the modern calculation of 11.8 seconds. Al-Zarqali invented a flat astrolabe which is known as Safihah. Its
details were published in Latin, Hebrew and several European languages.
Copernicus in his famous book 'De Revolutionibus Orbium Clestium' expresses his indebtedness to al-Battani (albategnius) and Al-Zarqali (Arzachel) and quotes their work several times. Beer and Madler in their famous work Der Mond (1837) mention a surface feature of the moon after Al-Zarqali (Arzachel). It is a plain in the eighth section more
than sixty miles in diameter and is surrounded by rows of mountains rising like terraces to heights of 13,000 feet above the interior region. It also includes several hills and craters and a prominent cleft by the side of the base of the western mountainous wall.


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